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Friday, October 18, 2019

Eygpt Essay Example | Topics and Well Written Essays - 750 words - 1

Eygpt - Essay Example One can see an attempt from the part of the writer to draw the attention of the readers towards the malicious intentions of the western world, though it seems rather baseless to blame others for ones own inability to handle crisis. The writer points out that in Arab nations like Jordan and Iraq, the rulers appointed by the western world had no roots. In addition, the divisions of the Arab world after the fall of Ottoman Empire were aimed at creating conflicts rather than solving them. Another allegation is against US for its failure to solve the Arab-Israel conflict, and also for its supporting the Egyptian and Saudi Arabian governments which were not at able to handle their internal affairs. The writer also points out that some of these dictatorial governments have close links with America; thus an attempt to show the western malicious intentions (Shadid). Here one can see an attempt to dig into history to show how France and Britain exploited the area through Sykes Picot Agreement of 1916. However, the wrier admits that the western states could not be blamed for the inability of Arab nations to solve their problems themselves. Moreover, the Arab states forgot looking into their own internal affairs and instead, the rulers thought engaging in relentless conflict with Israel would appease their citizen, which has gone wrong as is evident from the recent state of affairs. The eruption of problems started in Egypt, which was considered an epitome of foreign relations to be adopted by other Arab nations. However, it seems rather surprising that even so many years could not solve any problems in the country it gave birth to new issues like Christian-Muslim divide. In Sudan, the blacks fight against the Arab rulers and in Iraq, the Shiites are preparing a return to power. Tunisia witnessed another fall of dictatorship due to the extreme frustration faced by people over joblessness and corruption. In total, the Arab world is fuming; wars against dictatorships, jobles sness, poverty and clashes among interest groups are all shattering the Arab world. It is warned that the coming years will face a great deal of destruction and devastation as a result of the anarchies existing in the Arab world and the absence of powerful leaders like Gamal Abdel Nasser who could cover up the issues. Shadid provides the example of Tunisian leader Habib Bourguiba to show how foolishly the new Arab leaders engage in unpopular activities, facing the wrath of people. He appeared drinking juice on television in the month of Ramadan, and the protest he will face in a Muslim community is clear. Thus, the article is an attempt to look into the reason behind the unrest that is shaking the entire Arab world. However, the writer, like all others, fails to predict the future. The issues in the Arab world starting from the fall of Iraq, and now very evident in many other Arab nations, reveal the fact that the people there are eager to achieve total freedom, democracy, developme nt and transformation. However, the pathetic thing is that due to lack of powerful social reformists, possibly due to the harsh regimes of Islam religion-centrism, people in the Arab world are still hopeless, aimless and irrational. The only thing they want to achieve is the kind of freedom people enjoy in other parts of the world. However, the ones who exhibit the power to lead are monarchs as is evident from Iraq and Egypt who do nothing for the welfare of the people or to control religions extremism. The Arab world is unlikely to

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